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Free solutions (with eGovernment revenue-sharing)

New partnerships can deliver eGovernment solutions at no out-of-pocket cost to taxpayers

The Openworld Institute is interested in promoting eGovernment solutions that entail no upfront expense to the governments and taxpayers of regions interested in accelerating economic growth.

One key focus of the Institute is forming volunteer teams to prepare  free and open source solutions for simplifying and streamlining public sector registry, licensing, and oversight activities.  In each case, the teams will aim to produce turnkey systems (adaptable by local and national governments) that compare favorably to policies and practices offered in the freest economies of the world.

A second part of this initiative consists of spreading awareness of ways that public-private partnerships can introduce customized eGovernment solutions at no upfront expense to the public sector. Among the solutions now being delivered on a user-fee revenue-sharing basis are systems for national passport and ID issuance, tendering and procurement, land registries, drivers licenses, parking tickets, and Customs administration. Users are often offered the opportunity to benefit from automated, fast-track online systems in return for paying a fee for the convenience of online access.

As implemented to date in Mexico, Hong Kong, India, Chile, and the Philippines, these success-sharing partnerships reward the private sector from an agreed small share of new revenues – or a share in the verifiable cost savings – resulting from the eGovernment solution. The systems typically are categorized as concession contracts, Build-Operate-Transfer agreements, joint ventures, or Private Finance Initiatives (PFIs). In some cases, countries have fully privatized eGovernment implementation by setting up governmentally-monitored performance tracking systems, and moving public employees into the newly-formed private sector bodies where they can receive market compensation for their services.